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Early Z



原本的深度测试是在Fragment Shader计算之后的,如果不通过深度测试,这部分Pixel计算就是浪费的。

优化方式就是在Fragment Shader处理之前,先进行深度测试,可以避免过多的Pixel计算。

使用深度检测是方便的(硬件直接支持),这个优化,假设你的Pixel计算没有对深度进行任何修改,也就是说在Fragment Shader之前和之后进行深度检测的结果是一样的。(Therefore, an implementation is free to apply early fragment tests if the Fragment Shader being used does not do anything that would impact the results of those tests. )


  1. 这个是硬件支持的功能,图形API无法决定是否进行。(原文:Because this is a hardware-based optimization, OpenGL has no direct controls that will tell you if early depth testing will happen.)

  2. 如果进行了Alpha Clip或者深度写入,会造成EarlyZ失效。(原文:Similarly, if the fragment shader discards the fragment with the discard keyword, this will almost always turn off early depth tests on some hardware. Note that even conditional use of discard will mean that the FS will turn off early depth tests.)




  1. 首先用简单shader进行渲染,这个shader不写颜色缓冲区,只写深度缓冲区
  2. 关闭深度写入,开启深度测试,用正常的shader进行渲染。

The most effective way to use early depth test hardware is to run a depth-only pre-processing pass. This means to render all available geometry, using minimal shaders and a rendering pipeline that only writes to the depth buffer. The Vertex Shader should do nothing more than transform positions, and the Fragment Shader does not even need to exist.

This provides the best performance gain if the fragment shader is expensive, or if you intend to use multiple passes across the geometry.

类似Unity的渲染排序 Render Sort

我们常用的深度排序(从前往后渲染)渲染不透明物体,就是为了利用Early Z,如果没有Early Z那么深度排序就没有意义(并且还会浪费CPU)。(Unity官方文档原文:Spend lots of CPU cycles to do occlusion culling and better sorting (to take advantage of Early Z-cull).)

Alpha Test(Discard)在移动平台消耗较大的原因


  1. 正常情况下,不管是否是开启深度写入或者深度测试,这个面片的光栅化之后对应的像素的深度值都可以在Early-Z(Z-Cull)的阶段判断出来。
  2. 如果开启了Alpha Test(Discard),导致Early-Z失效。即使被遮挡也一定会进行Pixel计算! 与之相对的Alpha Blend却可以进行正确的Early计算,所以会有人讨论Alpha Test和Alpha Blend的区别。CryEngine官方解释文档指出,使用Alpha Testing会导致跳过对Opaque物体的优化。Alpha Blend会进行Frame Buffer的w/o操作,开销也比较到。所以他们性能开销的痛点是不一样的。


The fixed-function AlphaTest - or its programmable equivalent, clip() - has different performance characteristics on different platforms:


这个文章提到了像素并行处理的问题,这个问题在使用Unity的Render Sort策略下是有问题的。但是如果使用Z-Pre-Pass策略是没有问题的。



他的核心:Early Z的优化和优化失效的问题。