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OpenGL 4.0 (2010)

Addition Core Extension
Shading language 4.00 ARB_texture_query_lod, ARB_gpu_shader5, ARB_gpu_shader_fp64, ARB_shader_subroutine, ARB_texture_gather
Indirect Drawing, without multidraw ARB_draw_indirect
Request minimum number of fragment inputs ARB_sample_shading
Tessellation, with shader stages ARB_tessellation_shader
Buffer Texture formats RGB32F, RGB32I, RGB32UI ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32
Cubemap Array Texture ARB_texture_cube_map_array
Transform Feedback objects and multiple feedback stream output. ARB_transform_feedback2, ARB_transform_feedback3
Addition Promoted from
Individual blend equations for each color output ARB_draw_buffers_blend

OpenGL 3.3 (2010)

Addition Core Extension
Shading language 3.30 ARB_shader_bit_encoding
Dual-source blending. ARB_blend_func_extended
Shader-defined locations for attributes and fragment shader outputs. ARB_explicit_attrib_location
Simple boolean Occlusion Query ARB_occlusion_query2
Sampler Objects ARB_sampler_objects
A new image format for unsigned colors ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui
Texture swizzle ARB_texture_swizzle
Timer queries ARB_timer_query
Instanced arrays ARB_instanced_arrays
Vertex attributes ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev

OpenGL 3.2 (2009)

Addition Core Extension
D3D compatible color vertex component ordering ARB_vertex_array_bgra
Drawing command allowing modification of the base vertex index ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex
Shader fragment coordinate convention control ARB_fragment_coord_conventions
Provoking vertex control ARB_provoking_vertex
Seamless cube map filtering ARB_seamless_cube_map
Multisampled textures and texture samplers for specific sample locations ARB_texture_multisample
Fragment Depth Clamping ARB_depth_clamp
Fence sync objects ARB_sync
Addition Promoted from
Geometry Shaders, as well as input/output Interface Blocks ARB_geometry_shader4, heavily modified.

OpenGL 3.1 (2009)

Addition Core Extension
Uniform Buffer Objects ARB_uniform_buffer_object
Addition Promoted from
Instanced rendering with a per instance counter accessible to vertex shaders ARB_draw_instanced
Data copying between buffer objects EXT_copy_buffer
Primitive restart NV_primitive_restart
Buffer Textures ARB_texture_buffer_object
Rectangle Textures ARB_texture_rectangle


HLSL的ShaderModel主要表示不同版本的Shader支持的语言、功能特性。(The HLSL shader model is a versioning approach indicating which new features are added to the language.


不同的ShaderModel版本:不同的处理阶段(Geometry etc)、约束、处理能力、向下兼容情况。

Differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 10: Direct3D 9 introduced shader models 1, 2, and 3. Direct3D 10 introduced shader model 4. Direct3D 10.1 introduced shader model 4.1.



Here is the list of shader models supported, with roughly increasing set of capabilities (and in some cases higher platform/GPU requirements):

#pragma target 2.0

#pragma target 2.5 (default)

#pragma target 3.0

#pragma target 3.5 (or es3.0)

#pragma target 4.0

#pragma target 4.5 (or es3.1)

#pragma target 4.6 (or gl4.1)

#pragma target 5.0